The Stuck

Take a deep dive with me to discover your Locations Must Haves. You'll learn the things you want and NEED from a place to live. 

your Location Must Haves


Discover who or what might be holding you back from living the life you want to live in the place you want to live it. 

YOUR Change Barriers


Things you’ll discover in the Choose Where to Live™ Community. 

Join today!

The first step to becoming more established or rooted is to understand what that means.

What it means to be Rooted


Take our FREE Rooted Assessment.

Get our change barriers Assessment.

Get a sneak peak at our Location must haves assignment

Do you ever feel like you are standing on the sidelines of your own life?

Afraid to take that next step, afraid to wholeheartedly pursue your biggest goals and dreams, or afraid to admit, even to yourself, (much less anyone else) that something might just be missing?

Maybe you’ve spent so much time taking care of the people around you that you’ve lost yourself in the process. Maybe you’re ready for a change, but scared of making a mistake. Maybe you’re not even sure what it is that you want, you just know that where you are at right now isn't working.

And if any of this sounds like you, I’m here to tell you that you’re in the right place. And you're NOT alone. 

Let me ask you something...

Join us!

Honestly if you just want to vent, I’m here for you too.

Consider this community a little monthly support group for those who hate where they live! 

Let's hang!